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When Children Start Losing Teeth

The process of losing baby teeth and transitioning to permanent teeth is a natural and exciting part of a child’s growth. It typically occurs over several years, and the timeline can vary from child to child. Here’s a general overview of when children start losing teeth and what you can expect:

Caring for Teeth During the Transition:

  • Encourage good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, to keep both baby and permanent teeth healthy.

  • Teach your child the importance of gentle care around loose teeth to avoid causing unnecessary discomfort.

  • Consider introducing the concept of the Tooth Fairy as a fun and positive way to celebrate this milestone.

If you have concerns about your child’s tooth development or if you’re unsure about any aspect of their dental health, don’t hesitate to consult with a pediatric dentist. They can provide personalized guidance based on your child’s unique needs.

when children start losing teeth

Typical Timeline for Losing Baby Teeth:

  1. Around 6 Years Old: The process of losing baby teeth usually begins around age 6. The lower and upper central incisors are often the first to loosen and fall out. These are usually the two bottom front teeth followed by the two top front teeth.

  2. Around 7 Years Old: The lateral incisors, which are the teeth adjacent to the central incisors, start to loosen and fall out. These are usually the teeth right next to the front teeth.

  3. Around 8 Years Old: The first set of molars, which are the large flat teeth at the back of the mouth, begin to loosen and fall out. These molars do not have baby teeth predecessors and erupt behind the existing baby molars.

  4. Around 9-10 Years Old: The canines, also known as the “eye teeth,” begin to loosen and fall out. These are located next to the lateral incisors.

  5. Around 10-12 Years Old: The second set of molars, also known as the 12-year molars, start to loosen and fall out. These are the last baby teeth to be lost and are replaced by the second set of permanent molars.

Factors That Can Influence the Timeline:

  • Genetics: The timing of tooth eruption and loss can be influenced by genetics. If a child’s parents lost teeth early or late, it might impact their own dental timeline.

  • Health: Overall health and nutrition can play a role in tooth development. A child with certain health conditions might experience delayed tooth loss.

  • Gender: Some studies suggest that girls tend to lose their baby teeth earlier than boys.

  • Individual Variation: Just like other developmental milestones, there can be a wide range of normal variation. Some children might lose teeth earlier or later than the average timeline.

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